How would you feel about that traveler?
How would you answer to that student?
If they were following your initial premise (You have to have a SOURCE behind all resources), when applied to your anology would be, "Every flight has to have a flight that preceeds it."
Following your intial justification for the need of a creator, the question (what flight comes before the first flight) would be perfectly valid. You cannot say "everything needs a creator therefore God exists." And then cry foul when people ask "who created God?" This is known as Special Pleading: You make up some arbitrary claim to support your conclusion and then try and shield your conclusion from the very arbitrary claim that YOU made up.
YOUR claim is either true or it's NOT true - and can be expressed in the following way:
1.) Everything needs a creator
2.) Everything doesn't need a creator
If you're right and, #1 is true, then everything needs a creator - which means that God too needs a creator. If your wrong, and #2 is true, then everything doesn't need a creator - which means there is no need for God. Which is it?